Privacy Statement

1. Video Footage

Videovibe carries out video capture and production from both traditional tripod mounted cameras, and aerial camera platforms. The same data protection laws, and privacy laws govern all images. 

Our aim is to capture footage of the subjects briefed by our clients. Occasionally, images of neighbouring private property may be captured. While this is accidental, great care will be taken to ensure that any images captured are not intrusive, obscene, or would otherwise cause offence or upset to the owners or occupiers. We will not film children on private land without parental consent. This doesn’t mean that we will remove entire portions of video. What it does mean is that, in private locations, we won’t allow faces, number plates or other identifiable images to form part of publicly available footage. 

On public land, the restrictions are less stringent. Here, we may legally film with the landowners permission, and use all elements of our footage, without seeking permission from people included, or parental consent. 

2. Ownership of footage

Once a film has been edited, and approved by a client, the responsibility for the privacy matters within the film becomes the responsibility of the client. Should a film require re-editing to remove something identified after the film has been approved, then this may be done if the editing files are still available, but will be chargeable.